Live Like a Lost Boy
Lost Boy: {lost boi} noun
1. purveyor of dreams
2. follower of the heart
3. wanderer
see also: mermaid, unicorn, pirate

Lost Boy Creations:
Inspiration for the Wanderlust
We count ourselves among a hand full of brave, wild, and fun-loving explorers who followed their wandering souls to the land of sand and sun. We strive to bring a sense of youth, style and paradise to all through our “adventure” woodworking, apparel and wanderlust lifestyle.

A Lost Boy knows what it means to truly live
A Lost Boy follows his or her passion
Lost Boys do not fall into one religion, gender, race, orientation, or title
We roam until we find our path
To conform is not in our DNA
Our passions are our professions
The life of a Lost Boy is not bought, taught or learned
A Lost Boy lies waiting to be discovered in all of us
We are adventurers, dreamers, and friends
Boarders, boaters and builders
We’re one of a kind and kind to all
We are far from where we started but we are never alone

Our roots can be traced from the mainland to the small island of St. John, in the US Virgin Islands and beyond. After nearly a decade on St. John, Irma came to claim her bounty.
We had to make some difficult decisions but rolled with the punches and the wind blew us to Key West.
These days you can find us at the end of the road. We’ll be bumping quality tunes and handcrafting our custom surfboards, paddle boards, and whatever else we can dream up down at 417 Southard St.
We’re here when we are, and adventuring when we’re not.

Join the movement.
Find your Neverland.
#livelikealostboy and share it with everyone . . .